
The director of the Golestan Palace World Heritage Complex announced the restoration of the mirror works of the southern entrance of the Shams al-Emareh edifice and the adjacent room.

  • 23 July 2024
  • 19:15
  • 0 دیدگاه
  • 49 بازدید
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The director of the Golestan Palace World Heritage Complex announced the restoration of the mirror works of the southern entrance of the Shams al-Emareh edifice and the adjacent room.

According to the Public Relations of the Golestan Palace World Heritage Complex report,
Afarin Emami said: Mirror works and plaster works of the Shams al-Emareh edifice are
among the most luxurious and delicate decorations in the Golestan Palace, which cover
the entire walls and ceiling of the porch, the great alcove, the entrance and southern
She continued: In the mirror works of Shams al-Emareh edifice, a variety of strapwork
patterns, flat mirrors in rectangular, oval and circular shapes and raised plasterworks
have been used in plant designs.
Emami stated: The mirror works of the southern entrance of Shams al-Emareh edifice
and the adjacent room with an area of ​​about 190 square meters are being restored
in continuation of the restoration of the mirror works and plaster works of Shams al-
Emareh porch, which was done last year with an area of ​​about 200 square meters.
She continued: The last renovations on the mirrors and plasterworks of the Shams al-
Emareh edifice were done about 12 years ago and at the time of the world registration
of the complex. In the next phase of this project, plaster works of this section and

mirror works and plaster works of the alcove will be done with an area of ​​about
300 square meters.
Emami pointed out that the mirror works are covered with dirt and dust, and the mirrors
in some parts do not have proper connection to the substrate, or in some places the
mirrors are broken. Therefore, the restoration of the mirrors in this section is being
done by a group of traditional restorers and graduate experts of restoration of cultural-
historical objects.

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